List your current sales, discounts and allowances, net sales, margins, operating costs, and earning before and after taxes.

For this Interactive Assignment, you are going to look at the financial statements for the company you selected and, using the previous quarter’s financial data, interpret the data and propose a budget for the next Quarter based on your current and previous analysis of company performance. Complete the budget template using this Operating Budget Template:

List your current sales, discounts and allowances, net sales, margins, operating costs, and earning before and after taxes.
Choose a minimum of two financial ratios (below) and include in your analysis.
Prepare the next quarter’s budget based on your interpretation of past data.
Include at least two of the following types of relevant financial ratios in your analysis. Review the online article Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios (Links to an external site.) (Elmerraji, 2017) and Chapter 5 in the Abraham’s textbook to help with this portion of the budget:

Profitability Ratio
Liquidity Ratio
Solvency Ratio
Valuation Ratio
Leverage Ratio

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