What is herd immunity? How is this achieved? Why is this a public health priority to reduce the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases?

Your submission should be 350-500 words. Address each of the following questions. Organize your response in a numerical order as follows:

1. What is herd immunity? How is this achieved? Why is this a public health priority to reduce the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases?

2. What is the herd immunity threshold for measles (hint: red line 9:05 in Ted Talk)? Share the recommended vaccination for children and when should it be administered?

3. You are the college president and you have just learned there is a measles outbreak on campus. Your campus is in Boulder, Colorado and many of your student body graduated from Boulder Unified School District. The very district Dr. Lindsay Levkoff Diamon spoke of on her Ted Talk. Compose an email which will go campus-wide to all students, faculty, and staff to include recommendations, prevention, and next steps.

4. REAL WORLD: Provide a picture that captures the essence of this story according to your interpretation. It can be a picture of anything of your choosing, but it must be an embedded picture. If it is not obvious what the picture is in reference to, make sure you provide a caption and your parting thoughts and reflection on this subject.

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