How do you explain or understand the client’s symptoms, personality characteristics, cognitions, feelings, and behaviors based on the particular theory? How does the theory explain how the problem developed and is maintained?

Using the “assumption model” described in the first chapter (which you read in UNIT 3 of the course) of
Berman, P. S. (2015). Case conceptualization and treatment planning: Integrating theory with clinical practice (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc.
Choose two different theoretical approaches, and provide a case conceptualization and a treatment plan from two different theoretical approaches (do not choose integrative approach), separately for the case at the end of this document. There are chapters in the book with examples from different theoretical approaches.

The content of the conceptualization of the same case will differ according to the various theories depending on the aspect of human experience that each theory emphasizes.
The case conceptualization should include an explanation of the client’s presenting problems and diagnosis in the context of the theoretical framework.

A case conceptualization and treatment plan for a client you evaluate is usually quite comprehensive. For this exercise, since you are limited by the information I provided, I want you focus on certain components. What I want to be able to assess is your knowledge of the two theoretical frameworks you choose, your ability to analyze the case from those perspectives and your ability to develop a treatment plan based on your case conceptualization based on the theoretical models you choose.

Components of a case formulation for this assignment:

Identifying information

Presenting problem

Hypotheses/premise- Brief statement of your understanding of the problem from the theoretical perspective you chose. How is the problem explained from the theory’s perspective? This statement can include the diagnosis of the client.

Background- This is a detailed case analysis that supports the previous statement. It explains the history and background of the client as well as current situation. It includes the client’s strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of the theoretical framework.
How do you explain or understand the client’s symptoms, personality characteristics, cognitions, feelings, and behaviors based on the particular theory? How does the theory explain how the problem developed and is maintained? How is it that this person came to have these particular problems? Where are these problems stemming from?
Depending on the theory you chose, you may also include: What are this person’s strengths?

Treatment plan
Based on the theoretical framework you chose, develop a treatment plan describing the goals of treatment and long and short term goals. From the theoretical perspectives you chose, state:
The goals for treatment (be specific/express in operational terms).
The interventions you would recommend based on the theory (be specific in terms of what you would do, what types of questions would you ask the client, what techniques you would use to address the problems identified). The treatment recommendations should follow the theory’s beliefs about what makes people change.

Explain why you would recommend these particular interventions. You can give some examples of what you think the dialogue between you and this client would look like.
Your expectations of the client’s responses to the treatment would be.

The paper should probably be 8 to 12 pages long (longer, if you are including a lot of examples of dialogue between therapist and client).

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