Provide brief summary of and evolution of EU foreign trade policy: How EU play roles in international trade, how it applied and level of Non-tariff barriers in each period

Chapter 1 (about 2500 words) :The concept of non-tariff barriers.

The core of this chapter is to provide the general information of non-tariff barriers

1. The WTO, GATT and Non-tariff barrier to trade (NTBs) : The relation of NTBs and international trade restriction, how and why nations usually use NTBs to restrict trade. How WTO and GATT solve this problems, what articles and more details.

2. The difference between Tariff Barriers and Non-tariff barriers. Why presently nations usually implement NTBs than tariff barriers, etc.

3. Types of Non-tariff barriers : General information and relevant articles of GATT and WTO on
– Subsidies
– Anti-dumping
– Quantitative restriction , import bans, import quotas
– Non-tariff measures (NTMs) specific on Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS measures) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

Chapter 2 (about 4000 words): The impact of NTBs in different regime on overseas market accession. The question in this chapter is, does the socialist rule of China and the democratic EU affect the level of adoption of the non-tariff barrier?
** I don’t know if presently, the China regime is socialist or not, but I think the their policies are not socialist like their regime. Please check.

1. First, provide brief summary of an evolution ofChina foreign trade policy: how China play roles in international trade, howit applied and level of Non-tariff barriers in each period and etc.

– Before open door policy (pre reform trade system) (before1978)
– Between 1978 and before access WTO
– After being a membership of WTO

2. Second, provide brief summary of and evolution of EU foreign trade policy: How EU play roles in international trade, how it applied and level of Non-tariff barriers in each period and etc.

– European Communities and GATT
– European Union GATT and WTO

3. Analyse by using the theory of trade liberlisation, protectionism and others. Does it the regime affect to the high level of NTBs of China and EU. Provide cases of both countries regarding NTBs with each countries and with other countries. Explain some of interesting case, criticizes, why and see the limitations.

Thank you

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