How could you reconcile the social agenda – make radios freely available – with the commercial challenges of running a business? What problems do you think Freeplay face in trying to sustain the business?

Critically discuss the following three questions. Use effectively concepts, models, and theories learnt in the module to support your answer and provide arguments for your position.

1. How could you reconcile the social agenda – make radios freely available – with the commercial challenges of running a business? What problems do you think Freeplay face in trying to sustain the business?

2. Jennifer Peters has an idea for water treatment which could help provide clean drinking water to millions of people in Africa. Using ideas from the Freeplay story, what advice would you give her to help her take this forward? And what should she watch out for?

3. Do you think it’s easier or harder to create a sustainable business venture with a social entrepreneurship idea? Why?

Your answers should be 600 words each.

You are expected to demonstrate your own creativity and critical thinking and analysis based on strong argumentation that blends theory and practice. This is an academic piece of work. Therefore, every claim you make needs to be justified and supported.

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