Identify an evidence-basedapproach that would aid in reducing incidences of failure to recognise and respond to clinical deterioration for future delivery of clinical care.

Case Study: The Deteriorating Patient Task description:

For this essay you are required to select ONE (1) case scenario related to the clinical deterioration of a patient: Option

1:Acute Kidney Injury Option

2:Cardiogenic Shock

The assessment tasks requires you to:

1.Review TheNational Safety and Quality Health(NSQH)Standards; Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration. Recognising clinical deterioration is consider as a criticalcomponentto providing quality clinical care. The NSQH identifies eight factors that contribute to a failure to recognise and responding to clinical deterioration, and these include:

•Not monitoring physiological observations consistently, or not understanding changes in physiological observations

•Knowledge deficit of signs and symptoms that could signal deterioration

•Limitedof awareness of the potential for a person’s mental state to deteriorate

•Knowledge deficit of delirium, and the benefits of early recognition and treatment

•Knowledge deficit of formal systems for responding to deterioration•Knowledge deficit of skills to manage patients who are deteriorating

•Failure to communicate clinical concerns, including in handover situations

•Attributing physical or mental symptoms to an existing condition, such as dementia or a mental health condition.Identify one (1)factor that is relevant to your chosen case study and;

1a. Using evidence beyond the NSQH standard, discuss why failure to recognise and respond to clinical deterioration occurs, along with identifying contributing factors within the clinical environmentthat may lead to or result in failure to recognise or respond to clinical deterioration.

1b. Identify an evidence-basedapproach that would aid in reducing incidences of failure to recognise and respond to clinical deterioration for future delivery of clinical care.

NSB236: Integrated Nursing Practice

From the chosen case study identify and discuss two (2) signs or symptoms of clinical deterioration associated with the pathophysiology of the patients’ presenting problem.

3.Following on from your discussion,and related to the patients deterioration,

identify one (1) priority problem associated with the patient’s clinical presentation, and through the application of contemporary research provide a justification as to why the problem isa clinical prioritywithin the case.

4.Discuss two (2)evidence based clinicalinterventions to address the priority problemand how to evaluate the efficacy of these interventions. References:

•A minimum of 15 contemporary references no older than 7years.

•The reference list is to be presented in accordance to QUT APA 7thedition requirements and identify eight (8) papers that are considered by the author (you) to be of high importance.

•These eight (8) papers are to include a three (3) sentence annotation that outlines their significance(please refer to the example provided within this resource).

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