Identify a change management situation or problem where you have, or have had, control or influence over how the change is being managed, was managed, or will be managed.

Identify a change management situation or problem where you have, or have had, control or influence over how the change is being managed, was managed, or will be managed. This will normally be in the organisation, or the part of the organisation in which you work or previously worked. Write a report of no more than 2500 words in which you:

Identify and describe the change situation in management terms (10 marks)
analyse the change situation (25 marks), and
draw conclusions from your analysis. (10 marks)

Set criteria for a solution and make recommendations, setting out their advantages, disadvantages and implications. (20 marks)

As well as concepts on managing change from Chapter 14 of the textbook Managing and managing people – you are expected to use at least one concept, and preferably more, from earlier topics in the module.

Marks of up to 5% can be awarded for presentation. The components of the report are more fully described in Section 3, which you should read carefully.

The cover, summary, contents page, diagrams, references list and any appendices are not included in the word count but any tables containing text are.

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