Write one to two paragraphs describing the nursing clinical practice problem:Discuss why the problem is significant to nursing practice.

APA Style Requirements
* Included a student title page and reference list
* Used 1-inch margins
* Used 11 or 12-point font, Times new roman
* Double-spaced title page, text, and reference list
* Used Level 1 Headings for title and section headings (Method/Research design, Population and Sample, Data collection and measurement, Procedures, Results/Data analysis, Findings and interpretation, Summary)
* Adhered to format guidelines for the text/body of the paper and reference list
* Correctly formatted in-text citations for paraphrased and quoted works using the author-date citation system, parenthetical or narrative citations, and included a page number or location for quoted works )
* Correctly formatted the reference list and ensure that in-text citations match the reference list
* Adhered to APA Style requirements for Writing Style and Grammar
* Adhere to APA Style requirements for Mechanics of Style

Directions for the paper:

Write a paper that is 2 – 3 pages in length (excluding the student title page and reference list).

Write one to two paragraphs describing the nursing clinical practice problem.

Discuss why the problem is significant to nursing practice. (Include data, evidence, or statistics to demonstrate that the identified clinical practice problem is a priority.)

Write one to two paragraphs describing the PICOT question.

Write two to four paragraphs summarizing the research study by describing the (follow attached critiquing research questions attached: answer all sections. (research design, sample and setting, major variables (independent variable, dependent variable), major findings, and application of findings to the proposed practice problem and PICOT question.)

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