Seletct a microorganism:Prepare a report which includes the following information; (A) name(s) of the microorganism, (B) general description (morphology, biochemical pathways, etc.), (C) historical information including first isolations and characterization as well as changes to taxonomy, (D) potential significance to grape and/or wine quality, (E) encouragement and/or control strategies in the vineyard and/or winery, (F) future research needed, and (G) references with at least three (3) references that describe original refereed research (do not cite lecture notes and avoid plagiarism).

Individual students will pick a microorganism. Mine is

Lactobacillus fermentum

Format and due date
Once a microorganism is selected, the student will prepare the report which includes the following information; (A) name(s) of the microorganism, (B) general description (morphology, biochemical pathways, etc.), (C) historical information including first isolations and characterization as well as changes to taxonomy, (D) potential significance to grape and/or wine quality, (E) encouragement and/or control strategies in the vineyard and/or winery, (F) future research needed, and (G) references with at least three (3) references that describe original refereed research (do not cite lecture notes and avoid plagiarism). The grading matrix is described within this syllabus.

Each student’s paper will be graded for both technical and written quality and should not be longer than 1200 words (maximum). Indicate the actual number of words somewhere on the document. The paper must be typed double-spaced with numbered pages and use of headers are encouraged. Minimum of three (3) references (two must be refereed describing original research) will be used and cited using the format of the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. References will not be counted towards the maximum number of words.

Evaluation (written paper)
1. Name and description of microorganism (5 points maximum)
• Low score: Incorrect/obsolete information and/or mispellings.
• High score: Correct information and/or spellings.
2. Potential significance, encouragement/control strategies, and future research needed (10 points maximum)
• Low score: Ambiguous, illogical, or unsupportable ideas.
• High score: Ideas are logical and in-depth extrapolations from current literature or industry trends.
3. Mechanics and grammar (5 points maximum)

• Low score: Sentences and paragraphs are difficult to read and understand due to poor mechanics or grammar; number of words greatly exceeded 1200 or were not indicated.

• High score: The article does not contain obvious grammatical or mechanical errors; number of words completely described the issue and were ≤1200.
4. References/citations (5 points maximum)

• Low score: Fewer than three (3) references, lack of original research articles, citing only review articles or books, use of lecture notes or other non-refereed information, and/or not following correct format from American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.

• High score: Minimum of three (3) references (two must be refereed that describe original research) with citation format following American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.

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