Poverty is often describe as being ‘multi-dimentional’. What do you understand by this term and how might such a description apply to the lives of children growing up in socio-economically deprived areas?

Poverty is often describe as being ‘multi-dimentional’. What do you understand by this term and how might such a description apply to the lives of children growing up in socio-economically deprived areas?

Under each question are suggestions for resources to get you started in thinking about how you will construct your answer. You are not limited to using these sources; they are just to help you consider what the question is asking.

As this is a replacement for the exam, you should draw primarily on course material. You may incorporate wider reading you have used in assignments and seminar explorations but you do not need to do large amounts of independent research. However, you must apply your material to specifically address the question you have chosen.

Your answers should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length. You should include a reference list and ensure that you use Harvard referencing conventions throughout. You should structure your answers with an introduction, conclusion and a clear argument.

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