Write and submit a C++ source code file that implements your solution.a.Your source code must contain appropriate internal documentation.

Design a program that accepts Arabic numbers in the range 1 through 3999 (inclusive) and prints out the equivalent Roman numeral.

If the number is out of range, you should tell the user. The program should loop to let the user perform the task many times.

Submission All parts of the submission are to be uploaded in Canvas by the due date. Refer to the style guide posted in Canvas!

1.Write and submit pseudo-code (or flow chart) to describe how your program will operate

2.Write and submit a C++ source code file that implements your solution.a.Your source code must contain appropriate internal documentation (comments)

b.Your source code must be neatly formatted for readability.

3.Submit some evidence of testing. (e.g. Documented and described screenshots that show the results of your tests

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