Is Authoritarianism on the Rise or Will Democracy Endure?Discuss

TOPICC Issue: Is Authoritarianism on the Rise or Will Democracy Endure?

Yes: Suzanne Sataline, from “Democracy Under Stress: Is Representative Government in Retreat Worldwide? (Links to an external site.)” CQ Researcher (2017)

No: Kurt Weyland and Raúl L. Madrid, from “Liberal Democracy Is Stronger Than Trump’s Populism,Preview the document” The American Interest (2017) Suzanne Sataline, a Hong Kong based writer, asserts that if one looks at the past 100 years of development, democracy is clearly in retreat and under attack from a variety of social/political and technological forces. Kurt Weyland and Raúl Madrid, both University of Texas professors, use the growth populism in the West as represented by the election of Donald Trump to argue that democracy is resilient, still strong and capable of thwarting any permanent growth of authoritarianism.

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