Isolate key factors such as cost of goods sold , net profit, long-term debt or other factors affecting financial performance and graphically show how the strategic issue they discovered shows up in a financial or operational measure.


3 Assignment Deliverables:

1) an Excel workbook with the financial data formatted for ease of viewing and indicate via cell color or other formatting techniques those financial indicators and/or trends of interest to the company’s strategic challenges. Indicators could be in the areas of financing such as leverage, inventory, operational costs, or marketing-related such as declines in sales, etc.

2) Graphs/charts requirement: from data in the bullet above, students will isolate key factors such as cost of goods sold , net profit, long-term debt or other factors affecting financial performance and graphically show how the strategic issue they discovered shows up in a financial or operational measure.

3) Students will also include a 1-2 page Word document summarizing briefly their initial findings from the previous “historical and current challenges assignment”, then explain the key findings from this financial review and make sure to reference specific evidence from the Excel document you will be uploading

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