Contrast and compare at least two types of simulation modalities and how they are used in nursing and/or nursing education.

Words: 122
Pages: 1
Subject: Nursing


Sorting through Simulation Modalities

Think about your scenerio design topic/idea. What outcomes would you like to see in the participants during the activity. Then:

Contrast and compare at least two types of simulation modalities and how they are used in nursing and/or nursing education. (Be sure to include not only how they are alike, but how they are different as you answer the topic areas).

Use the headings to guide your discussion: Definitions; Advantages; Disadvantages or limitations; Purpose of the simulation (how it used, i.e. skills, critical thinking, etc.)

Explain why you would like to use these two types for your Design of a scenario and how they would help you achieve the outcomes of the simulation activity.

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