Prepare an A1 sized diagram illustrating the forensic process in relation to their one chosen forensic domain.


Students are required to individually prepare an A1 sized diagram illustrating the forensic process in relation to their one chosen forensic domain from the following options:

• Fire investigation

The forensic science process map should graphically illustrate the progression of evidence within the chosen forensic domain through collection from the crime scene to the presentation of the evidence in court. The following aspects must be considered and included in the diagram:

• A summary of the stages of evidence collection, analysis, and interpretation in relation to the evidence type selected

• The key stakeholders responsible for the stages outlined

• Any regulatory bodies involved, quality standards adhered to, or external pressures that impact upon the process

• Key decisions and interpretations made throughout the process in relation to the evidence type selected

• The influence of key reports and government documents

The process map must:

• Fit on one A1 (84.1 x 59.4 cm) Powerpoint slide.

• Use a font size of no smaller than 18 pt

• Include citations, where appropriate, in the APA format (see referencing guidance below)

• Include a separate slide with a reference list

• Have a clear title specifying the scope of the process map (for example, ‘A map of the fingerprinting process in the UK’, or ‘Forensic fire investigation in the USA: a process map’)

Pointers for a successful process map:

• Spend time researching your chosen forensic domain. You will need lots of information in order to provide a comprehensive representation of the process

• Be creative in the way that you represent the information within the limited space available – there is no set layout or subheadings to follow

• Make use of up to date government reports, recommendations, and guidelines. Consider the impact on these on the process that you are documenting and incorporate this into your map

• Consider the audience of your process map – you should aim to address your work to someone working in a criminal justice setting who wants to expand their knowledge in relation to your chosen forensic domain

• Use academic literature to evidence best practice, or to illustrate where new research may challenge the validity of current best practice

• Highlight the points at which decisions and interpretations are made throughout the process


The process map must include references to current literature and key reports. Citations should be provided in the APA 7th edition and the reference list must be included as a separate Powerpoint slide.

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