Pick a movieto watch and analyze using what you learned from this class.

Pick a movie (a full-length motion picture of sixty minutes or more) to watch and analyze using what you learned from this class. If you have a favorite movie already, it is highly recommended that you watch it again as this will almost certainly be a different type of viewing experience for you. More specifically, this assignment will require you to pick five terms or concepts from this class, and use them in five separate paragraphs (one term or concept per paragraph).

The paper also needs to include an introductory and concluding paragraph and this is where you can express if you liked or disliked the movie. Therefore, the paper should be seven total paragraphs with at least four sentences per paragraph.

Note that you are not required to go to a movie theatre for this project. Instead, you can watch a movie on television, use a streaming service, or dust off those old DVDs (or even VHS tapes) that you might have laying around your home. This project should be fun and interesting and you are welcome to be creative.

In order to receive full credit, you will have to think about and state how the terms or concepts that you picked from this class specifically relate to the movie and/or characters. You will also have to express this type of information while elaborating on the terms or concepts, showing that you truly understand them.

It is fine to include more than one term or concept in a paragraph but this does not lessen the requirement for five separate paragraphs. In other words, you would be using more than five terms or concepts if you choose to put two or more in the same paragraph.

The entire paper should be seven paragraphs in length. This will include clearly explaining all terms that you discuss in your paragraphs in a way that shows that you understand them and learned something about them as well as how they are related to the movie. Your paper is worth up to 35 points, five points per paragraph.

The following is a two-paragraph example that would be part of a paper like you will complete, using one of your instructor’s favorite (and not very well-known) movies, The Florida Project (2017).
Halley is the mother of a six-year old girl named Moonee. They live in a rundown, low-cost motel across the freeway from Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Although Halley seems to love her daughter, she also seems to have narcissistic personality disorder. There are numerous instances in this movie where Halley thinks of herself far more than anyone else and does not seem to care about other people’s feelings.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a life-long condition and people who have it display their personality problems in many situations. That is why it is chronic and pervasive. People with this disorder drive people away and cause problems and they don’t realize how bad it is.

There is no doubt that Moonee learns many bad behaviors from her mother Halley. The types of learning that take place for Moonie in this movie would be operant conditioning and observational learning because she is not only rewarded for her actions by her mother but also watching her and learning from her.

B.F. Skinner showed that operant conditioning can be used to teach pigeons and other animals many different behaviors when their actions are rewarded. Albert Badura showed that children learn aggression and other behaviors, simply from watching others.

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