Dance Performance Critique :What was you initial response to the piece and how did your ideas change after when reflecting on the choreography?Discuss

Dance Performance Critique

The following questions only serve as a guide for writing an analysis of a Dance Concert. Do not restate the questions within your paper, rather find a creative way to express your ideas. The critique must be 2-pages, double-spaced, typed using size 12 font, and standard margins.
• What is the title of the piece and who is the choreographer(s)?
• What is the style/genre of the dance?
• How is the choreographer choosing to express his/her intent?
• Elaborate on the choreographic elements (time, space, texture, rhythm, energy, etc.) that are prevalent?
• How are props, sets, lighting, etc. utilized to frame the piece? Was the mood altered by these additions?
• What meaning, if any, do you think the choreographer was trying to convey?
• What was you initial response to the piece and how did your ideas change after when reflecting on the choreography?
• Are you in favor or against the dance work? Explain.
• How did this choreography compare to other pieces you have seen or experienced?
• Did the concert inspire you to view other shows or more dance? How so?
• What is your overall opinion of the dance concert?
Be sure to clearly articulate your thoughts in complete sentences. Proofread your paper, and be aware of grammar and word use. All thoughts and ideas must be your own (refer to Academic Dishonesty section of course syllabus and school catalogue). Remember critiques are both positive and negative yet constructive and thorough. Happy writing and enjoy the show!

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