Briefly explain how each thinker describes the feeling of resentment being sure to articulate clearly how they differ.

In Chapter V of Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill discusses the feeling of resentment
and proclaims that it lies at the origin of sentiment of justice. In the first essay of On
the Genealogy of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche presents his own account of the feeling
of ressentiment and proclaims that it lies at the origin of the “good and evil” system
1 Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals, in On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo, ed. Walter
Kaufmann, trans. Walter Kaufmann and R.J. Hollingdale (New York: Vintage Books, 1967), 52.
2/4 of values. Briefly explain how each thinker describes the feeling of resentment (or ressentiment), being sure to articulate clearly how they differ. Then, provide an argument for whose account of the feeling of resentment (ressentiment) is more accurate.

First, you must demonstrate that you understand Mill’s and Nietzsche’s positions and arguments accurately and fully.

Then, you must carefully construct your own argument based on textual and empirical evidence as well as sound logical

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