Critically discuss a detailed case study of an important urban poverty issue.

Critically discuss a detailed case study of an important urban poverty issue.


Write an essay of no more than 2500 words (excluding bibliography, tables and illustrations). The essay can be on any aspect of urban poverty and focussed on any city or urban area.

You are encouraged to explore an issue of poverty that interests you and you want to know more about. You should draw on your learning about critical approaches to understanding, living, and/or intervening in urban poverty.

You have to come up with your own research question and will receive some guidance in order to do this. This is excellent preparation for your dissertations next year.

The paper must have a minimum of 10 academic references which may include books and/or journal articles. Wikipedia and other internet sources are not considered academic sources.

However, some internet sources (such as reports from relevant organisations and newspapers) can be useful when used carefully and critically in conjunction with other sources.

The referencing must follow Harvard formatting. The essay will require library research as well the formulation of an analytical argument and demonstrate critical thinking.

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