Critically evaluate a piece of original research based on one aspect of endocrinology.Critically evaluate the latest cutting-edge research in the field of endocrinology.



The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a piece of original research

based on one aspect of endocrinology. The assignment will cover the following

learning outcomes of the module:

• To critically evaluate the latest cutting-edge research in the field of


• Demonstrate evidence of analysis and critique of the relevant literature in

the field of endocrine research.

Things to add in this journal crtique :

– Is the paper suitable?

– Evaluate the whole paper

– Show the pro’s and cons of the paper

– See if the paper is suitable?

– Is their a clear aim objective?

– Make sure the results are presented well?

– Do the results fit the objective?

– Does the data objectify the objectives?

– Start the paper with a summary.

– End the paper with a conclusion

– Try evaulate the techniques they used in the paper and why it was good or bad?.

The paper you guys will be doing is the HPA in male athletes.

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