What is the Great Awakening? Who are the key figures of the Great Awakening? What were the effects of the Great Awakening?Discuss

Colonial Society in the 18th Century

As you move through this topic, keep the following questions in mind.  If you cannot answer these questions (some require critical thinking skills and putting together different pieces of information – you cannot simply look up the answer on one page in the textbook), you are not ready to move on to the next topic.

What is the importance of New Orleans?
Describe the Spanish Southwest? Why did Spain create the Internal Provinces?
Describe Russian Alaska.
Describe the Backcountry and those who settled it.
What was the “Middle Ground” and why was it important?
What are the economic regions of the British colonies?
What drives the economy of each region?
What is the Great Awakening? Who are the key figures of the Great Awakening?
What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The following locations are important to the historical geography of the events discussed in this topic.  You should be able to locate these places on a map and understand why they are important to and shape the history under discussion.

New Orleans
Mississippi River
area of the Backcountry
Forks of the Ohio
Shenandoah Valley
Internal Provinces
San Antonio
New Mexico
Comanche heartland
Sioux heartland
Pacific Ocean

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