Code of practice are central to safe and effective provision of care. Explain the purpose and role of professional codes of practice when working within a health or social care setting in the United Kingdom.


1) Data plays an increasingly important role in both health and social care sector. A number national policies require health and social care organisation to continually measure and improve services.

Question 1a) – Discuss the importance of data in health and social care planning in the United Kingdom (examine, analyse carefully and look at the pros and cons), (word count 150).

Question 1b)- Explain how demography factors, such as the changing size racial diversity, and age structure of the population, influences health and social care service planning and delivery in the United Kingdom. (word count 350 words)

2)Understand the implications of ethical and legal issues within health and social care

Question 2a) Code of practice are central to safe and effective provision of care. Explain the purpose and role of professional codes of practice when working within a health or social care setting in the United Kingdom. (word count 200 words)

Question 2b) Discuss key concepts of informed consent in relation to ethical and legal issues on health and/or social care in the United Kingdom, with an explanation of the legislative framework surrounding informed consent. (words count 200 words).

Question 2c) Discuss key concepts of Duty of care in relation to ethical and legal issues on health and/or social care in the United Kingdom, with an explanation of the legislative framework surrounding the duty of care. (words count 200 words).


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