Identify and define within theory one sustainable development challenge and its implications for a business.


Individual report (3,000 words) will provide an assessment of a sustainable development challenge, as defined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order to identify the existing and future collaborative policies and solutions to address it.

• This is an individual assignment (3,000 words) that will provide a brief overview of a key sustainable development challenge (such as SDG 1: no poverty, SDG2: no hunger, etc.). The report will be based on desktop research where students are required to:

• Requirement 1: identify and define within theory one sustainable development challenge and its implications for a business and find representative cases to elaborate and contextualise the challenge within a particular industry at the national and global levels;

• Requirement 2: identify all the affected parties (stakeholders) by providing a brief description of why the key stakeholder group(s) are affected, how (consequences for each stakeholder group); what their responsibilities are (types of obligations) for the particular challenge; and identify links across stakeholder groups;

• Requirement 3: present a review of the existing collaborative policies and solutions for the chosen SDG by linking with SDG 17: the development of social partnerships with stakeholders; use your moral imagination (see paper by Warhane, 2002-link on reading list) to think creatively and develop suggestions on how a company should act proactively in developing collaborative policies and solutions to address SDGs.


The module core textbook is:

Crane, A. and Matten, D., Glozer, S. and Spence, L. J. (2019). Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship & Sustainability in the Age of Globalization. 4th edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN:

ISBN: 978-0-19- 881007-0


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