Discuss how the philosophical assumptions differed between the interpretive frameworks. Why is it important for researchers to understand the connection between philosophy and interpretive frameworks?

The purpose of this exercise is to examine how philosophical assumptions differ and are exemplified (implicitly or explicitly) based on the interpretive framework selected.

Read the four articles listed below, which are located in the Week 1 University Library Readings. Each qualitative journal article adopts a different interpretive lens.

Queer Theory Adams, J., Braun, V., & McCreanor, T. (2014). “Aren’t labels for pickle jars, not people?” Negotiating identity and community in talk about “being gay.” American Journal of Men’s Health, 8(6), 457–469. doi:0.1177/1557988313518800

Social Constructivist Brown, J., Sorrell, J. H., McClaren, J., & Creswell, J. W. (2006). Waiting for a liver transplant. Qualitative Health Research, 16(1), 119–136. doi:10.1177/1049732305284011
Postpositivist Churchill, S. L., Plano Clark, V. L., Prochaska-Cue, M. K., Creswell, J. W., & Onta-Grzebik, L. (2007). How rural low-income families have fun: A grounded theory study. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(2), 271–294.

Transformative Job, J., Poth, C., Pei, J., Carter-Pasula, B., Brandell, D., & MacNab, J. (2013).

Toward better collaboration in the education of students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Voices of teachers, administrators, caregivers, and allied professionals. Qualitative Research in Education, 2, 38–64. doi:10.4471/qre.2013.1

Complete the table below by providing detailed explanations and examples that demonstrate how the different philosophical assumptions are represented (implicitly or explicitly) in the selected journal articles.

Assumptions Epistemological
Assumptions Axiological
Assumptions Methodological
Interpretive Frameworks Queer Theory
Adams et al. (2014)
Social Constructivism
Brown et al. (2006)
Churchill et al. (2007)
Job et al. (2013)

Discuss how the philosophical assumptions differed between the interpretive frameworks. Why is it important for researchers to understand the connection between philosophy and interpretive frameworks?

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