Indicate where the sequence fits in relation to the film as a whole and identify any aspects of style that you think are significant in relation to the classical/formalist/realist model proposed by Boeck.


Select a film from the list below, and access the key frame provided in the Power Point file in the Assessment Folder. The key frame is taken from a sequence of the film indicated in the sub-text box of the relevant Power Point image.

With the above points in mind, answer the following:

1. Indicate where the sequence fits in relation to the film as a whole and identify any aspects of style that you think are significant in relation to the classical/formalist/realist model proposed by Boeck.

2. Undertake a preliminary description of the framing of the mise-en-scène by the key frame.

3. Identify the work of the camera in framing the mise-en-scène and interacting with it, through any of the following: types of shot used, angles, lighting, colour, tonal contrast, type of lens, mobile framing.

Identify any aspects of sound that you think contribute to the articulation of elements in the mise-en-scène, e.g. diegetic/non-diegetic sound, bridging sound to link shots.

Identify any interesting framing techniques, for instance how characters are either centrally framed or decentred, whether the camera is mobile or static, or any other aspects that you think are significant, drawing on any of the issues raised in Lectures 1-5 of the course. (1100 words, 30 marks)

List of films: (Only select ONE (1) film)

* Some Like it Hot (Wilder 1959)

* Lost in Translation (Cappola S. 2003)

* Far from Heaven (Haynes 2002)

* Citizen Kane (Welles 1939)

* The Birds (Hitchcock 1963)

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