Compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications.


Compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications.

2. Freight Transportation System Comparison

– Compare and contrast North American and European freight transportation systems

3 Globalized Trade Comparison

– Compare and contrast North American and European global trade policy

Global Policy Implications

– Compare and contrast global trade policy implications (both present and future) of North America and Europe

5 Review of Future Research

– Global risks within freight transportation (security breaches and global breakdown of interconnected transportation systems)

6. Conclusion

Utilize the following sources:

Dilger, R. J. (2003). American transportation policy

Leinbach, T., & Capineri, C. (Eds.). (2007). Globalized freight transportation: Intermodality, e-commerce, logistics and sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Jean, R., & Notteboom, T. (2015). Comparative North American and European Gateway Logistics: The regionalism of freight distribution. Institute of Transport and Maritime, 18(4), 497-507.


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