Critically discuss the pathophysiology related to acute changes in an individual’s heath.

Learning Outcomes for the scenario 2.

(LO 1) Critically discuss the pathophysiology related to acute changes in an individual’s heath.

(LO 2) Compare and contrast a range of tools or approaches used to assess those patients at risk of clinical deterioration and the therapeutic interventions implemented to ensure timely and appropriate management of those at risk of clinical deterioration.

(LO 3) Critically reflect upon the psychological and social effects of acute illness on the patient their family or carers and reflect upon the implications of the ethical and legal issues that surround the care of the acutely ill patient.

The theory assessment: 3000 words

Scenario 2

Sarah Agarwal a 20-year-old university student has been transferred to the medical admissions ward from the accident and emergency department. Her mother reports that she has a 3- day history of flu like symptoms, a productive cough and fever. She has been transferred to the high dependency unit with type 1 respiratory failure due to bacterial pneumonia. She is restless and confused. Sarah weighs 60kgs. Her doctor diagnosed her with sepsis.

Initial Observations

Airway –Sarah is talking in complete sentences

Breathing: Respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute.
Self -ventilating on 40% of Oxygen with a normal face mask
SPO2 is 92%
Crackles sound is heard in the base of lung on examination

Heart rate of 118 beats per minute, sinus tachycardia
Blood pressure of 102/50 mmHg
C-reactive protein (CRP) 150 mg/dl
White cell count is raised
Urine output – 25 ml/hr, 18 ml/hr and 10mh/hr for the last three hours
Capillary refil time (CRT) is >2

Disability: Temperature 38.8o C
She is lethargic and disoriented

Exposure: She has a dry mouth and cracked tongue

Type 1 respiratory failure due to bacterial pneumonia, which leads to hypovolemic shock and sepsis.

Introduction (max 200 words).

Summarise the scenario linking to the learning outcomes

Part 1: Analyse the findings of the ABCDE assessment (LO 1-2) 600 words

Analyse the patient’s signs and symptoms assessment

Describe what the normal values are and how these deviates from the norm.

Calculate an accurate NEWS2 score and explain the severity of the patient condition.

Explain escalation and the method you would use to communicate this to
Include whom you would escalate to and why?

Part 2: Critically discuss the underlying pathophysiology (LO 1) 600 words.


Part 3: Critically discuss the nursing and medical interventions required to manage the condition (LO 1) 600 words.

Critically discuss the holistic care needs of the patients and their families. ( LO 3) 600 words.


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