Review the patient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient.


In this assignment, you will review the patient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient.

Use the NU664D Prolapse Case Study Questions (Word) document to complete the case study assignment.

Follow the requirements posted in the rubric.

Case studies should be three to five pages, excluding title and references pages.

At the end of your case study, ensure you add any pertinent guidelines, screening recommendations, protocols, or treatments to your pocket guide assignment.

All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards.

Prolapse Case Study Patient Scenario

Janice a 78-year-old G4 P4 presents to the office with a complaint of urinary frequency, urgency and a sensation of feeling as if she is sitting on a ball. She states she feels pressure in her lower abdomen and back. She is very healthy and tries to exercise but has been limited secondary to discomfort.

Past Medical History



Psychosocial history is negative




Vitamin D

Answer These Questions

What other subjective data do you need to gather today?

What objective data would you gather today?

Exam Findings:

PE is T 98.6 P 82, R 16, B/P 112/74

Abdomen soft NT without masses

Pelvic exam reveals – female external with urethral caruncle

Vulva is negative with loss of labial folds secondary to atrophy – no obvious abnormalities

Vagina is with scant discharge, atrophic, moderate vaginal vault prolapse.

Cervix is primiparous – CMT

Cervix is primiparous – CMT

Uterus small, non tender no masses

Ovaries non palpable

Rectal negative

On Valsalva – +grade 2 cystocele

What is your assessment of this patient? Include ICD10 code and rationale.

Your patient states she doesn’t want any surgical intervention. Complete a plan of care for this patient including, diagnostics, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment, education, including primary and secondary prevention, referrals, and follow up.

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