Determine why physical cosmetics stores are interested in engaging in online shopping.

Research Aim & Objectives

Aim: The aim of the research is to evaluate the motivations of physical cosmetics stores towards online shopping and examine possible implications for engaging in online business.

Research Objectives:

Determine why physical cosmetics stores are interested in engaging in online shopping.

Evaluate how online shopping influences customers’ purchasing decisions.

Examine how online shopping impacts sales and profits in a cosmetic firm.

Literature Review

The cosmetic industry is among the world’s leading industries and cosmetics are regarded as necessities in different countries across the world. Bilgihan, Kandampully and Zhang (2016) explain that there are significant changes towards online shopping and this is attributed availability of internet-enabled devices such as smartphones. Implementation of a grounded theory in online shopping will be vital in providing an in-depth flow and experience of the customers on the web (Mahnke, Benlian and Hess, 2015).

Additionally, customers are interested in taking their businesses to various online channels including e-commerce sites and social media platforms (Bilgihan, Kandampully and Zhang, 2016). Additionally, there is a paradigm shifts where the customers’ behaviors have changed from traditional ordinary shopping to online shopping. Besides, it has been determined that online shopping also increases customer satisfaction and it has become accepted by customers buying services and products (Katawetawaraks and Wang, 2011).

However, some of the challenges associated with online shopping include lack of trust and sometimes the customers want to examine and feel the products before making purchases. Bleier, Harmeling and Palmatier (2018) explain that millions of products are listed on major e-commerce sites such as Amazon and that the success of online shopping is dependent on the ability of the companies to attract potential customers through verbal and visual stimuli.

The existing studies only addresses the increased adaption of e-commerce business model and the benefits on online shopping to businesses and customers. However, there is a literature gap about the motivation of physical cosmetic stores towards establishing online shopping models.

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