Reflect on how people acquire knowledge in the age of social media. How do public health outlets use such platforms to disseminate knowledge?Explain

Reflect on how people acquire knowledge in the age of social media. How do public health outlets use such platforms to disseminate knowledge?

What is another method public health professionals use to disseminate knowledge? Describe which method is most effective.

Read “Disseminating Your Findings,” located on the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching (CIRT) page of the Grand Canyon University (GCU) website.


Read “Getting the Word Out: New Approaches for Disseminating Public Health Science,” by Brownson, Eyler, Harris, Moore, and Tabak, from Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (2018).


Read “Methods of Dissemination,” in Module 6: Disseminating Best Practices, of the Rural Community Health Toolkit, located on the Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) website.


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