What service programs for senior citizens could be more efficiently handled by state and local governments than by the federal government? Give some examples.

1. Take Implicit Association Test > Age IAT.  You do not have to share your score with us, but please reflect on it. What do you think of your score – does it surprise you? Why or why not.

Test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

2. What service programs for senior citizens could be more efficiently handled by state and local governments than by the federal government? Give some examples.

3. Imagine that you have been asked to serve on presidential advisory group for elderly. You are participating in writing recommendations for implementation of new societal changes, policies and programs that you perceive as necessary to improve quality of life of elderly people.

What could be the barriers to these changes? What would be a strategy to bring about the needed changes?  Share with us what would you recommend based on what you have learned in this class. Make sure that you use course concepts, terms and theories.

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