Develop an International Marketing Plan (IMP) to help them determine the best way to execute a move into this country you choose.


The 5 Stage Decision Model.

There is one individual assignment, an individual international marketing plan (IMP) of 3,000 words which is worth 100% of the module mark.

There is one individual assignment, an individual international marketing plan (IMP) of 3,000 words which is worth 100% of the module mark.

You are the Marketing Director of your chosen British brand. The board of the company have decided to explore expanding into one new country market. You have been asked by the board to develop an International Marketing Plan (IMP) to help them determine the best way to execute a move into this country you choose.

The choice of country is up to you, but it needs to be adequately supported with evidence (e.g. through a robust market screening and evaluation process). You also need to ensure that there is enough free information available (mainly in English) on your selected country.

Applying all that you have learnt on the GMS module through lectures, seminars, reading and the simulation, you are required to prepare a fully justified IMP. Every IMP (assignment) needs to include detailed analysis and frameworks presented in the five stages as follows.

1. The decision whether to internationalise

2. Choice of market to enter

3. Market entry strategies

4. Designing the global marketing programme

5. Implementing and co-ordinating the global marketing programme

The plan will need to include solid planning, underpinned by academic and business sources.

Recommended IMP Structure

Follow the recommended structure for the IMP. The five-stage decision making model should provide the base for the IMP. Students are free to decide how they wish to populate the five stages within their IMP. However, it is strongly advised that the proposed content is discussed with their tutor. This will help ensure the five stages are adequately and accurately covered. Content will also be proposed during the module.

I. Cover page needs to mention the module title, title of IMP with brand name and student number. Do not mention your name

II. Clearly and accurately formatted table of contents

III. 1-Page Executive Summary

IV. Introduction

V. Stage 1: The decision whether to internationalise

VI. Stage 2: Deciding which market to enter

VII. Stage 3: Market entry strategy/strategies

VIII. Stage 4: Designing the global marketing programme

IX. Stage 5: Implementing and coordinating the global marketing programme

X. Corporate social responsibility

XI. Conclusion

XII. Reflection on online group simulation

XIII. Reference list

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