The other registered nurses are all very busy with their patients, but you have the following people to whom you may delegate: yourself, a ward clerk, an IV-certified licensed vocational nurse(LVN)/LPN. Decide who should do what and in what priority. Justify your decision.


• After reading the case, answer the following:

• The other registered nurses are all very busy with their patients, but you have the following people to whom you may delegate: yourself, a ward clerk, an IV-certified licensed vocational nurse(LVN)/LPN. Decide who should do what and in what priority. Justify your decision.

Use at least two (2) scholarly sources (one can be your textbook).


Short Case Study

N.H., an 89-year-old widow, recently experienced a left-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA). She has right-sided weakness and expressive aphasia with moderate swallowing difficulty.

N.H. has a past medical history (PMH) of left-sided CVA 2ó years ago, chronic atrial flutter, and hypertension (HTN). She has a negative psychiatric history and has lived with her daughter’s family in a rural town since her previous stroke.

N.H. was admitted to your acute care facility five days ago. On the day of care, N.H. has gained some strength, has become oriented to person and place, but is still confused to time. She is forgetful and needs be reminded to call for help when getting out of bed. N.H. has difficulty ambulating due to right leg weakness. She shuffles when she walks and loses her balance often. N.H. has urinary frequency. She is incontinent of urine. She has a bedside commode in her room.

Vital signs are ordered to be assessed every four hours. Prescribed diet is mechanical soft, low sodium (Na) with ground meat. You are to facilitate referrals today for occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT), and speech language pathology (SLP) to evaluate and treat swallowing, communication, and functional abilities.

Medications orders include hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg/day PO, digoxin 0.125 mg/day PO, aspirin 81 mg/day PO, warfarin (Coumadin) 5 mg/day PO, acetaminophen (Tylenol) 325 mg q6h prn for pain, zolpidem 5 mg PO hs prn for sleep.

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