Describe how you would apply your chosen model to the nursing situation to facilitate a process improvement.

Choose one of the conceptual models in your assigned reading in your Alligood text and answer the following questions:

a. Name of the conceptual model;

b. Core concepts of the model;

c. Describe a nursing situation in which the model could be applied; and

d. Describe how you would apply your chosen model to the nursing situation to facilitate a process improvement.

Choose a borrowed theory from either your Polit and Beck text or the literature which could be applied to a nursing research article.

Answer the following items:

a. Name the theory and the non-nursing discipline from which it comes;

b. Identify 3-4 of the core concepts of the theory; and

c. Explain why this theory might be a good fit from which to develop a nursing research study.

Your assigned readings this week introduces you to the ways of knowing in nursing written by Barbara Carper. This is a seminal work in nursing. Answer the following items:

a. List the 4 patterns of knowing according to Barbara Carper;

b. Provide an example from your practice for each of the 4 patterns; and

c. What are your thoughts about the pertinence of these patterns in nursing today?

There are multiple learning theories as you read in the Zhou & Brown chapter. Answer the following items:

a. Choose and identify the name of one of the learning theories from the assigned reading of Zhou & Brown and

b. Develop a step-by-step program to decrease the frequency of medical mistakes in a healthcare practice setting.

Cite the principles or key concepts from your chosen learning theory that back each step of the program you develop.

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