Analyze the evidence from the video, and prepare a written affidavit which summarizes probable cause for a search warrant at the bar.

Watch the video titled Human Trafficking Bar Scene

Review the relevant textbook materials on Search and Seizure, and Probable Cause for an Affidavit.

Research the United States Code to identify relevant crimes to cite in an Affidavit for Probable Cause to Search.


For the purposes of this assignment, assume you were the undercover agent arriving at the bar, and making observations from inside the bar.

Analyze the evidence from the video, and prepare a written affidavit which summarizes probable cause for a search warrant at the bar.

The affidavit should include the following information:

Summarize your background, training and experience .

Title: Special Agent.
Specifically describe the potential criminal violations of the U.S. Code related to human trafficking, and summarize how they apply to this bar scene scenario.
Summarize your activity portrayed in the video.

Summarize the evidence you have obtained while at the bar location.

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