Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal.

Roosevelt called his program to reform the nation’s economy during the Great Depression the New Deal. Not only did it bring about major reforms, and introduce tougher regulation of big business, it also set a precedent for greatly expanded federal government involvement in the economy and society.

Some of the programs that were initiated had a lasting impact while others were struck down by the Supreme Court. Just as the depression impacted people differently, so did the reforms that were passed during the New Deal.


In order to prepare you must complete the following readings:

Review and identify relevant sections of Chapters 23, 24, and 25.
Transcript of Roosevelt’s 1936 radio address discussing the New Deal.

Utilize at least one of the linked sources provided in this assignment to support your discussion.

Identify and incorporate at least one additional outside source to support your discussion. In addition to the textbook, you may use any material outside of the textbook.

You are also encouraged to do your own research and identify relevant sources. Please keep in mind that WIKIPEDIA is not an acceptable reference.


Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 700 words , including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources, in which you analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question:

Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal.

As part of your analysis and discussion, you must address the long-term legacies of the New Deal and major historical assessments that have been made of it, and if you agree or disagree with these assessments.

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