Critically analyse the underpinning consumer psychology principles and theories behind the campaign, identify and discuss limitations and implications where applicable.


Assignment for MODULE: Online Consumer Psychology – Digital Marketing

You are required to select one online marketing campaign and to critically analyse the underpinning consumer psychology principles and theories behind the campaign, identify and discuss limitations and implications where applicable.

In summary you are required

1. to select one online marketing campaign

2. to critically analyse the underpinning consumer psychology principles and theories behind the campaign

3. to identify and to discuss limitations and implications where applicable

See the marking scheme for individual report.

Outstanding understanding and application of the Online Consumer Psychology theories it has to be shown. Relation to the digital marketing campaign should be demonstrated in a seamless manner.

Please, find attached examples from me of the campaigns, which could help to investigate the psychological theories behind the campaigns.,

Both parts of the assessment will require you to acquire, understand, and to be able to critically evaluate psychology principles and theories which include but may not be limited to:

– Online Consumer Psychology’s definition

– Consumer identity

– Consumer behaviour

– Advertising psychology

– Motivational determinants of consumer behaviour

– Psychology in the current digital era

– Online Social Interaction

– Cognitive changes

– Neuromarketing and consumer behaviours

– Role of the brain in consumer behaviours

– Consumer decision-making

– E-tail

– Components behind E-tail, online and mobile channels

– Electronic Word-Of-Mouth

– Hofstede power distance continuum theory

– Multiculturalism and the Global Mindset

– Psychological components behind happiness

– Passion and consumption

– Wellbeing and its role in consumer behaviour online

– OCP and privacy


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