Explain how both coaching and mentoring can help you in the management of your personnel by using examples connected to the video provided.

For this assignment, click the link below to view the video clip on mentoring versus coaching.

Learningyourdevelopment.com. (2015, August 6).

The benefits of mentoring [Video file].

Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=836-noR3DO8

Click here to view the transcript for the video above.

Recalling what you learned in the Unit IV Lesson, you will need to write an essay discussing both the similarities and the unique differences between mentoring and coaching.

To complete this essay, you will need to address the components below.

Identify someone who you have personally experienced or witnessed in your organization who is a coach, mentor, or both.

Identify personnel management issues ranging from recruitment to retirement.

Examine your selected coach and/or mentor’s role within your organization.

Correlate how your selected individual combats issues from recruitment to retirement.

Explain how both coaching and mentoring can help you in the management of your personnel by using examples connected to the video provided.

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