Was the autistic perspective considered in the design or evaluation of the intervention?Discus


Step 1: Find the Article

i) How to Find an Article

There is a plethora of literature on interventions for children with ASD, but the trick will be to

find a paper that focuses on language and communication. Here are some search tips:

• Use a database available (PubMed is an example of onethat often yields relevant results – or Google Scholar (

• Be sure to include important keywords in your search such as ‘autism’, ‘language

intervention’, ‘communication’, etc.

ii) How to Evaluate the Article

Choosing an article is part of the challenge of this assignment, choose wisely.

Step 2: Summarize the Article (max 1 page)

Below are some questions that may be helpful to think about as you prepare to summarize

the article:

1. What was the article about?

2. Why did the researchers decide to conduct this study?

3. What intervention(s) did the researchers use?

4. What kinds of participants were part of this paper?

5. What were the relevant results?

Step 3: Provide a Commentary on the Article (2-3 pages)

1. Do you think the intervention designed from a neurodiversity vs. medical model


2. How does the intervention relate to or align with one of the theories (refrigerator ,

theory of mind, processing)

a. Do you see any assumptions that suggest one of these theories underlies the

intervention’s creations?

b. Make sure to be as specific as possible and explain why you think this.

3. Do you think there are any ethical implications for this intervention?

4. Was the autistic perspective considered in the design or evaluation of the intervention?

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