Critically analyse the applicability of the theory or model identified above in relation to leadership in each organisation, giving evidence and examples to validate your ideas.

Individual Coursework Assignment Brief

MSc in Human Resource Management

Module: Business Leadership

The individual coursework assignment requires you to:

Select TWO organisations, one from a country in one of the continents in list A and the other from list B. They need to be different organisations, can be of any size and can be in any sector at all (from private, public or charity sectors).

Choose diverse organisations and try to be innovative in your choice (it is best to avoid very large multinationals such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Huawei and Alibaba).

List A: Australia, Europe or North America
List B: Africa, Asia or South America

Provide a short introduction, outlining the chosen model or theory, nations and organisations selected, as well as the two leaders (about 100 words)

The question asks you to focus on the 2 leaders. The 2 organisations will need a short introduction, as well as the situations, but your focus is on the 2 leaders.

Critically analyse one academic model and/or theory of leadership. Use high quality journal articles (3 and 4 star mainly) and academic books to substantiate your ideas. (about 900 words)

Critically analyse the applicability of the theory or model identified above in relation to leadership in each organisation, giving evidence and examples to validate your ideas.

Discuss one leader from each organisation. Ensure that your argument is balanced, as you consider both positive and negative aspects of leadership in each company. (about 1900 words)

Your answer needs to relate to the 2 leaders. You are critically analysing the applicability of the theory or model you have chosen to each leader.

You choose 2 leaders from different companies and your answer then focuses on the 2 leaders from the organisations in this part.
Firstly, decide on what model / theory you wish to base your work around. Examples include:

● the situational leadership model
● transformational/transactional
● Followership (Kelley model)
● Autocratic/democratic leadership model
● Blake and Mouton model
● Leader Member Exchange model
● Ethical leadership

You need to use the SL model to critique the leaders in different situations – using the model. So you need to focus on the situation (in the organization at a given time) (S1 – S4), the leader and how s/he leads (for each leader) and the follower readiness (D1-D4)

5. Conclude (about 100 words)

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