Discuss the relationship between business and government, in theory and practice, using the variety of readings we have done from Week 7 onward.



Answer ONE of the following questions in no more than three single-spaced pages. be thorough, specific, and detailed.

Make strong use of examples from the readings, your own knowledge, and outside sources if you wish. Use any format you like for in-text citations and include a formatted references page.

Your essay should be well organized, reflect thorough consideration of multiple perspectives, and reflect clear understanding of the readings you refer to.

Question 1.

Discuss the relationship between business and government, in theory and practice, using the variety of readings we have done from Week 7 onward.

And how they relate to broader issues of politics, power, the state, class, and capitalism.

Does the government have a privileged relationship with business? Why or why not, how so? What have we learned about the nature of that relationship in modern society?

After outlining different perspectives, discuss evidence that would support different views, from the readings and your own knowledge. Alternatively, what sort of evidence would be necessary to demonstrate the validity of these perspectives?

Lastly, how do these perspectives relate to your own personal political views? What is a contemporary issue of social importance that these debates can shed some light on?

Some other notes:

1. Citing Domhoff and Skocpol is most important followed by the others

2. Citing outside sources is encouraged

3. In some of the linked material in “additional materials” there are highlighted portions that matter more than the other parts

4. If/when talking about my political ideology related to these topics please go on the liberal side of things. (teacher is Californian liberal)

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