Research the notion of Graduate Employability and why it is seen as important?Explain


The Assessment Task

Individual Research Portfolio – 2,200 words

Part One

Research the notion of Graduate Employability and why it is seen as important?

• What is meant by this concept?

• How might it differ from other forms of “employability”?

• How one recruits to the concept of Graduate Employability?

• “Typical” Graduate recruitment practices – best practice.

• Summarise your findings for this part

Part Two

Identify three “large” organisations who recruit graduates.

• Research how they view Graduate Employability and how they “use” it?

• Identify how they recruit and select Graduates

• Interview a Graduate Recruitment Manager from one of the organisations (or another, if not feasible)

• Summarise your findings for this part

Part Three

Compare Part One and Part Two and conduct a “gap analysis”

• Are there any differences between the literature and articles you have analysed and how the organisations you have researched conceptualise and use Graduate Employability?

• Are there any differences between “best practice” Graduate recruitment and the three organisations researched and the Graduate Recruitment Manager interview.

• Summarise your findings for this part

Please make full use of current Literature, articles, surveys and Practitioner guidelines/advice. Don’t forget to use the Appendix for illustrating supporting evidence, information, data etc.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

• Develop appropriate research strategies and skills to gather and analyse data about graduate employability.

• Make comparisons between sets of data about graduate recruitment, testing and selection.

• Perform and function effectively to actively meet specificed objectives and fulfil own responsibilities.

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