What are specific problems that have affected and still affect underrepresented groups in Latin America?Discuss


The effects of neoliberalism and globalization in Latin America and the Caribbean

• Readings/materials Module VIII

• At least ONE, max. TWO sources located via research: web resources, scholarly sources, specialized web resources, library/ebooks resources (no wikipedias or encyclopedias).

• Write a short essay based on ONE of the listed points.

• Type in Word, 12 pt. font, in MLA format –heading, page numbers, 1″ margins. Please check MLA guidelines through this link http://newpaltz.libguides.com/content.php?pid=318836&sid=2608982 or OWL Purdue Writing and MLA Resources http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/. Please follow appropriate guidelines for in-text citations (check how to cite each type of source you use).

• Support your answers, citing and crediting your sources. No outside sources are allowed, except for those included in Module VIII.

• Provide a Works Cited page at the end of your essay that includes all sources cited in your essay.

Length: 2- 2 ½ pages double space required, excluding Works Cited page.

Points to develop (choose one):

Base your response on the readings and films assigned and our discussions in class. Ground your arguments on examples of particular cases (one country, movements, events, etc.). Make sure your response addresses all subpoints listed.

A. Neoliberalism in Latin America & the Caribbean.

What is neoliberalism and how it has affected Latin America? When did it start influencing economic policy? Where it was first tested as a policy?

Against what kind of policies and ways to see development, citizenship, and wealth did these reforms reacted? How neoliberalism has affected specific populations, for instance, women or indigenous people? Remember to give examples.

Guidance for research:

To address the effects of neoliberalism and globalization in Latin America and be able to provide a precise example in a country or group, you may need to search about
¬ The NAFTA agreement and choose a specific country (suggested: Mexico, the Northern Triangle, etc.).
¬ National debt and the IMF bank in a particular country (suggested: Argentina, Puerto Rico)
¬ Land rights and the Landless Movement (suggested: Brazil, Colombia, the Mapuche in Chile and Argentina, Ecuador)
¬ Extractive economies such as mining, monocrops like palm oil, rubber; lithium; gold; and the movements to prevent it: (suggested: Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador)

B. Underrepresented groups in Latin America and the diaspora in the US
What are specific problems that have affected and still affect underrepresented groups in Latin America?

You can talk about indigenous, women, LGBTQ+ communities, Afro-Latin American, and immigrants. What kinds of demands have they articulated in the public space?

What are the different approaches within these communities (for instance, liberal gender rights groups, fight for reproductive rights, and sexual dissident groups, land rights)?

How Latin American cultural history that you have learned about has affected these groups (the more relations you establish, the better: religion, politics, cultural practices amongst indigenous and afrodescendant people, for example).

Guidance for further research:

To address the specific problems that have affected and still affect underrepresented groups in Latin America and be able to provide a precise example in a country or group, you may need to search about

¬ Reproductive rights movement, abortion laws, gender laws, violence against women (suggested: Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, the Northern Triangle).
¬ Land rights, cultural practices and political recognition for Afrodescendants and indigenous people: (suggested: Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Haiti, the Garifuna in Honduras, indigenous people across Latin America)
¬ Patterns of migration, groups (suggested: Northern Triangle, Mexico, and the Caribbean).



Argentina Gender Identity Law

1. The Indigenous Movements pp. 641-648
2. Chavism and the Bolivarian Revolution pp. 653-657
3. The Evolving Ecological Debate pp. 660-662

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