Complete a concept map using the template. Show interrelationships of all components.

Assignment: Concept Map – Spontaneous Pneumothorax.

Assignment Content

Read the following case study:

A.W., a 72-year-old woman with severe emphysema, was walking at a mall when she suddenly grabbed her right side and gasped, “Oh, something just popped.” A.W. whispered to her walking companion, “I can’t get any air.” Her companion yelled for someone to call 911 and helped her to the nearest bench. By the time the rescue unit arrived, A.W. was stuporous and in severe respiratory distress. She was intubated, started on intravenous lactated Ringer’s at KVO (keep vein open), and transported to the nearest emergency department (ED).
On A.W.’s arrival at the ED, the physician auscultates muffled heart tones, no breath sounds on the right, and faint sounds on the left. A.W. is stuporous, tachycardic, and cyanotic. The paramedics inform the physician that it was difficult to ventilate A.W. A portable chest x-ray (CXR) examination shows an 80% pneumothorax on the right.
Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs; 100% O2):

pH 7.25

Paco2 92 mm Hg

Pao2 32 mm Hg

HCO3 27 mmol/L

Spo2 53%
The ED physician inserts a size 32 Fr chest tube in the sixth intercostal space, midaxillary line.
Think through the following related to A.W.’s condition:

Etiology and pathophysiology
Risk factors
Signs and symptoms
Diagnostic procedures
Medication and treatment
Nursing interventions, including patient education
Potential complications
Complete a concept map using the template.
Show interrelationships of all components.
Prioritize the nursing interventions related to complications.
Include at least three peer-reviewed sources to support your concept map and an APA-formatted reference page.
Submit your assignment.
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