Write a 1500 word letter to the editor about a contemporary issue related to your course concepts.

Write a 1500 word letter to the editor about a contemporary issue related to your course concepts.

Example issues could include:

-Dakota Access Pipeline (or other pipelines/construction projects on NA land).

-Climate change and destruction of ecosystems

– Evangelizing/religious “Mission work” imposed on Indigenous people, religion that does not consider space

– “Color-blind” racism (racism that seeks to ignore racial/ethnic differences)

– Portrayal of the infallibility of Western science

– Our treatment of non-human animals (factory farms, experimentation)

-Capitalism/consumerism, viewing the natural world monetarily rather than having intrinsic value

-Ongoing desecration of Native American sacred sites

-Federal govt’s ongoing violation of treaties made with Native American tribes

-Western individualism/competition

Some of the topics above are general and you need to narrow it down more specifically.

Your paper should make a specific argument about what ought to be done in relation to this issue, drawing on our course concepts to make your point. Your paper should be written in the way that the public would understand it. Thus, when you state the philosophical view of an author, you have to explain it as if the reader has no prior knowledge.

You should cite our authors throughout your Letter to support your point. For example, if you are writing something on the destruction of a particular eco-system and you want to talk about valuing space, you should be citing Deloria to back up your argument.

In addition to citing our authors, your paper should use three outside sources about the issue you are writing about. These sources should be reputable (no Wikipedia, for example). Journal articles, news articles from reliable sources, book chapters, etc. are acceptable.

An A paper:

-Chooses a specific, relevant contemporary issue related to our course concepts.

– Provides an overview of the contemporary issue including why it’s currently important.

-Cites at least three reliable outside sources on the contemporary issue and includes a bibliography.

-Makes an argument about what ought to be done with respect to the issue, in language that would be accessible to the public.

-Draws on concepts in the reading to support your view. The views of our authors are properly represented. All sources referenced are properly cited (for paraphrasing and direct quotes).

-Uses direct quotes sparingly and only to back up a point.

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