Describe Simmel’s concept of stranger and show its sociological significance in studying social life, historical or contemporary.



Please answer any three of the following questions. It should take you about 600-700 words to answer each of these questions Try to be thorough and think like a theorist. Remember I am not looking for your opinions, but rather theoretical arguments based on scholarly observations and analyses. Limit the usage of the pronoun “I.”

You may use limited outside sources as long as they are published, peer-reviewed works, not random websites. (I am more interested in your writing than in your sources). For citations, use author (year) in text and provide a combined works cited at the end. The assignment must be uploaded on Canvas as a word document in the assignment link.

Bourdieu describes culture and social networks using Marx’s notion of “capital.” But “capital” is a very specific term for Marx. What are Bourdieu’s reasons for using the notion of “capital” for cultural capital and social capital. How is he justified? (Feel free to refer sections of Vol. 1 of Marx’s Capital).

Scholars say that Durkheim was an important influence on Saussure. Study Saussure’s theory of signs and discuss its affinity with Durkheim’s theory of collective representations.

One may say that the fashion principle is a primary form on which capitalism today thrives. Based on your study of Simmel and also Barthes and Marx (possibly even Bourdieu and Oswald) analyze the play of the concept of fashion in sustaining late capitalism.

Karl Marx and Max Weber provided two very different theories for the origin of capitalism – one based in the historical evolution of the conflict of the classes, the other based in a particular form of moral life. Compare and contrast the two theories.

Describe Simmel’s concept of stranger and show its sociological significance in studying social life, historical or contemporary.

Elaborate the discussion of “value” in Marx, Saussure, and Barthes. What do they each mean by “value;” what is the common thread that ties “value” in linguistics, in social conventions, and in economics.

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