Discuss the development of appropriate resources to support ELL language proficiency and content achievement. Identify which specific lesson in part B addresses this development.


B. Analyze five of the content-based lessons from part A1 by doing the following for each of the lessons:

1. Identify the grade level or language proficiency level, topic taught, and content-area subject.

2. Identify the complete standard(s) addressed.

3. Describe the lesson taught, including how language and content learning were fostered, as well as outcomes for the students.

Note: Outcomes for students refers to the quality of the work the student submitted or the student’s performance you witnessed.

4. Explain specific ELL strategies used in relation to a recognized instructional approach.

Note: You may find it helpful to review your course materials in LPA1 and NNA1 for recognized approaches.

5. Discuss how you did or would adapt teaching to address students with specific needs (i.e., students at different proficiency levels from emergent to advanced or ELL students with learning disabilities).

6. Explain how the activities you included helped the students make connections between the content and the students’ home culture or life experience outside of the classroom.

C. Discuss specific features of the five lessons in part B by doing the following:

1. Discuss how the assessment was developed to inform instruction and evaluate the progress of ELL students. Identify which specific lesson in part B addresses this development.

2. Discuss how the assessment was adapted to meet specific needs of ELL students. Identify which specific lesson in part B addresses this adaptation.

3. Explain how you selected appropriate resources to support ELL language proficiency and content achievement. Identify which specific lesson in part B addresses this selection.

4. Discuss the development of appropriate resources to support ELL language proficiency and content achievement. Identify which specific lesson in part B addresses this development.

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


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