What are the challenges children in ks2 face when they lack traditional classrom based learning?Discuss


Chapter to discuss issues around using the online platform..eg games – depending on the game educational can help or non academic games can be addictve. What are the challenges children in ks2 face when they lack traditional classrom based learning- some children struggle with technology and them and their parents lack the knowledge on how to use it which can create gaps in learning. Also to discuss challenges that family faces using technology eg not enough devices or children being to addidictive towads such devices where children loose the  family interactions with each other. parents have less knowledge about how to use technology.

Layout of sections needs to follow in order like this.

chapter 3- Limitations: issues around children using the online platform


3.1 – issues and complications

3.2-challenges of lacking traditional classroom-based learning.

3.3- struggle within the home environment due to technology use.


Use England based sources, government documents, ofted reports, articles, jounals, books eg…

These sources can be used too.

Book- Children and families in the digital age: learning together in a media saturated culture.(2018)

Book- Education and technology:key issues and Debates  (2011) Neil Selwyn.

Education studies:reflective reader (2010) curtis,will,Dr; Pettigrew,Alice. Chapter 10.

Hybrid pedagogy -a digital journal of teaching and technology

Flexible pedagogies- technology enhanced  learning.(2014)

Ofsted report 2008 -11 – ICT in schools

An alternative view on why,when and how computers should ne used in education.( valdemar w.setzer, 2001)report.

Assessing the impact of educational video on student engagement, critical thinking and learning( sage 2018)

• Department for education: (2019) realising the potential of technology in education: a strategy for education providers and the technology industry.

Gilbert review report. (2007) vision report of the teaching and learning in 2020.

Beetham, H and Sharpe, R.-Rethinking for a digital age: designing and delivering ex learning.

Digital material: tracing new media in everyday life and technology. (2009) Amsterdam university press

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