In the context of feeding movements and ecology, to what extent does form predict function in the vertebrate skull?Discuss


In the context of feeding movements and ecology, to what extent does form predict function in the vertebrate skull?

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to;

LO1 Discuss the anatomy, physiology and ecology of animals and plants in terms of sensing and moving

LO2 Evaluate patterns in the adaptations of physiological systems to explain common movement strategies

LO3 Collect and analyse physiological, behavioural and ecological data

LO4 Interpret ecological and physiological data to describe how animals move

1. Fulfilment of the requirements of the assignment task (including adherence to the word limit specified)

2. Evidence of reading around the subject with correct and complete citation and referencing of sources

3. Evidence of understanding the principles of movement anatomy and physiology, and grounding within a broader ecological context

4. Evidence of the collection, analysis and interpretation of primary data pertaining to organismal movement

5. Clear and well-structured presentation of the written and illustrative information

6. Appropriate standard and style of written English for a scientific audienceLayout:

The essay should be a continuous flow (no bullet points or sub-headings in the body of the text) and contain the following sections to address the essay question of your choice;

1) Introduction (set the scene)

2) Discussion (main argument)

3) SummaryTwo references we have been advised to read and include:Dumont, E et al. (2012) Morphological innovation, diversification and invasion of a new adaptive zone. Proc.

R. Soc. B. 279, 1797-1805.Santana, S et al (2012) Dietary hardness, loading behaviour, and the evolution of skull form in bats. Evolution

66, 2587-2598.

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