Using the Project Guidelines as a reference, please identify, analyze and draw relevant conclusions to each of the contracts, torts, crimes, relationships,and other issuesfound in the hypothetic.

Patrick isa 22-year-old from Palmcaster who likes to live life “on the edge.” One day, Patrick drove unannouncedin his tricked-out Nissan Sentrato the property of Hillside Henry in an effort to mine quartz underneath his hill. Henry encountered Patrick on his land and advised him to immediately leave. Patrick responded by stating, “If you promise to let me mine your hill for quartz, I will pay you $10,000.” Henry responded with a slight nod and a wink. Patrick, excited by his future mining prospects, jumped up and down in glee. On his third leap, he landed on a gopher hole and twisted his ankle. He hobbled off the property and got back in his car. Excited by his newfound endeavor, Patrick drove to his girlfriend’s house;Loony Leslie, a 24-year-old recently deemed incompetent by the court. Leslie has a love for quartzrocksand wants to purchase a customized box to display the quartz that Patrick will be soon be providingher. They jump into the Sentra and drive to the AV Swap Meet. Oncethere, they stop by the kiosk of Trophy Ted. Ted has an array of display cases for purchase. One of the cases wasmade of quartz but costs $300.

Leslie only has $50 and cannot afford the quartz display case. Ted, seeing the dejection on the face of Leslie, states the following: “If you polish all of my trophies, I will give you the quartz display case.” Stating nothing, Leslie instantly starts to polish the various trophies. After three long hours, Leslie is down to the last trophy when Ted states, “I revoooookes” and turns away from Leslie to tend to another customer. Enragedby Ted’s statement to Leslie, Patrick grabs the quartz display case andstrikesthe back of Ted’s head. Ted, who never saw it coming, fell to the ground and was bleeding profusely. Patrick and Leslie takethe quartz display case andjump intothe Sentra and high-tail out of the AV Swap Meet. Patrick and Leslie drive to the AV Mall to find some matching camouflage outfits so that they will not stick out in the crowd. They proceed to Hot Topic to try on outfits. On the wall, a sign states that Hot Topic is not responsible for any lost or damaged property belonging to their customers. Leslie put down her Cricket phone to try on a camouflage headband when a Hot Topic employee accidently grazed her phone, causing it to shatter on the ground. Angeredby the actions of the employee, Patrick and Leslie storm out of the store adorned in their headbands.Patrick was worried about being seen driving around in the Sentra and wanted to sell the car immediately.

He dropped off Leslie and drove to Zamacho Auto to sell his car and purchase a new vehicle. Once there, the owner, Russ Zamacho stated “I will offer you $2,000 for the Sentra.” Patrick responded by saying, “Will you take $3,000?” Russ replied by stating “no.” Eavesdropper Eddy, a 17-year-old, overheard the conversation between Patrick and Russ and stated,“I will buy your Sentra for $3,000.” Patrick immediately hands the keys over to Eddy. Eddy Venmo’s the money to Patrick and drives off in the Sentra. Patrick turns his attention back to Russ and starts to look at various trucks that he will need for his mining operations. He noticed a Ford F-150 and offered Russ $10,000 for the truck. Russ replied by saying “no.” Patrick pulled out his customized shank and stated that Russ should reconsider. Russ, in fear for his life, stated “just takethe truck and don’t hurt me.” Patrick got in the truck and drove off. Patrick needed to obtain$10,000 right away to pay for the mining operations. He drove to the local Starbucks to ponder how he will come up with the needed funds. He ordered a mocha-expresso-iced latte with whip cream and sprinkles and dejectedly sat down to consume his drink. Wendy Widower, who just lost her husband to a horrible widget accident, saw how sad Patrick was and sat down next to him. Patrick explained his predicament to her. Wendy, who just collected a $2,000,000 settlement from the widget company, felt bad for him and made the following statement: “If you promise to read my son a bedtime story, I will pay you Antelope Valley College

Patrick followed Wendy to her house and read the bedtime story to Wendy’s son. Wendy stated that she would mail the check to Patrick next week. Patrick received a call from Henry stating that he needed the $10,000 by tomorrow or the mining deal was off. In an effort to collect the needed funds, Patrick went to the house of his buddy, Moneybags Monte and stated to Monte that ifMonte gave him $10,000 right now Monte would get the $100,000 due to Patrick from Wendy. Monte thought that was a swell idea and provided Patrick with the $10,000.Patrick got into his truck to drive to Henry’s house. He was looking down at his money when he veered into the opposite lane and side-swiped Lambo Larry. Henry and Larry pull over to inspect the damage to Larry’s vehicle. At that time, Waldo, Patrick’s dad,happened to be driving by and stopped to see the commotion. Waldo went up to Larry and verbally stated,“If Patrick can’t pay for the damages, I will.” The parties drove off on their separate ways.

Patrick was shaken up by the accident and drove to his church to speak to his Pastor Pete. Pete comforted Patrick and asked him if he believed in heaven. Patrick responded by saying he did indeed. Pete stated to Patrick that he could ensure that he would one day go to heaven if Patrick made a $10,000 contribution to the churchbuilding fund. Patrick, fearful of one day going to hell, pledged that amount to Pete.Patrick got back into his truck to drive to Henry’s hillside retreat. While driving, Patrick became distracted when he noticed Tommy Twerker, a construction worker shaking his thang’ to the latest Lil’ Wayne mash-up. Mesmerized by Tommy’s moves, Patrick veered off the road and drove his car into a ditch. Patrickstumbled out of the car and wearily climbed out of the ditch.

Tommy was about to go over to Patrick to offer him assistance but heard the newest Chance the Rapper hit and starting grooving again. Patrick, discombobulated from the accident, fell back into the ditch,and broke his left leg.An ambulance transferred Patrick to Our Lady of the Perpetually Sick hospital. Once he arrived, Sammy the Surgeon viewed the x-ray of Patrick’s broken leg and prepped for surgeryby sedating Patrick. At that moment, Sammy’s received a text from his wife imploring him to immediately pick up a chicken sandwich for her from Popeyes. Not wanting to disappoint his wife, Sammy called his buddy from medicalschool, Trembling Terry to replace him for the surgery. Terry was forced to drop out of medical school due to his uncontrollable twitching. Unfortunately, during the procedure, the shakes got the best of Terry and he botched the surgery so badly that Patrick’s leg developed gangrene and was so infected that his leg needed to be amputated.

Patrick woke up from the surgery to see that his leg had been amputated. In utter shock, Patrick screamed at the top of his lungs “Where’s Waldo?” At that moment, Waldo arrived atthe hospital to comfort his son. Waldo had sixpieces of mail addressed to Patrick in his hand:

1)A letter from Henry revoking his offer to mine the quartz from his hill.

2)A letter from Eddy, stating that he totaled the Sentra and asking forhis $3,000 back.3)A letter from Wendy refusing to pay for the bedtime story, stating that $100,000 was way too much.

4)A letter from the Larry demanding payment for the damage to the Lamborghini.

5)A letter from Pete demanding the $10,000 for the church building fund.6)A summons from the local sheriff asking Patrick to come in to discuss the death of Trophy

Using the Project Guidelines as a reference, please identify, analyze and draw relevant conclusions to each of the contracts, torts, crimes, relationships,and other issuesfound in the hypothetic

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